Friday, November 12, 2010

Re-draw a site plan by converting the scale

Previously, I was given a task by lecturer to redraw a site plan and an elevation view(facade) by converting the scale of 1:100 to 1:75. We are required to trace the drawing we have done on butter paper by using tracing paper. Besides, we are required to use pens with different thickness to emphasise the sequence from the top to the most bottom part of the house and from the most outward view to much inward view of the house. Below are my drawings.


I used 0.4 pen to draw the wall of the house as it appears to be the highest part of the house if we look from the top. It is then followed by 0.3 for the drawing of the doors which are second taller after the walls. For the frame of the windows and the furniture, I have used 0.2. 0.1 is used to draw the windows and the construction lines.


For the facade, I used 0.4 pen to draw the ‘outline’ of the house as it appears to be the nearest from our sight, whereas 0.3 is used to draw the pattern below the roof. Next, I used 0.2 to draw the window and door frames, followed by o.1 to draw the details of the windows and roof tiles as they appear to be the furthest or most inward details.